A meticulously curated collection of the best Max For Live devices around to inspire your next production. Browse the collection below.
The Max For Live Curated Collection is a selection of Max For Live devices for use in Ableton Live, chosen for their high quality and creative potential. These are not tools I have made myself, but rather tools I have found in my own search for creative instruments and effects to use in my music making.
There are literally 1000s of Max For Live devices out there, so The Collection is an attempt to highlight what I think are the best devices and developers around.
The Max For Live Curated Collection includes links to tools made by 3rd parties. While I make every effort to ensure the quality of linked tools, I cannot guarantee that the tools will always work as described nor can I provide support for the tools. Please contact the respective developers directly with additional queries.
Affiliate Links
Some of the entries in the the Max For Live Curated Collection may contain affiliate links and I earn a portion of each sale from a device purchased through an affiliate link. I only include devices that I believe in and will regularly review The Collection and remove any entries that no longer meet my quality standards. Affiliate sales help keep the ELPHNT website and the Max For Live Curated Collection sustainable.
Selection Process
Before including a device in The Collection I will use it extensively in my own music making to ensure it is highly functional and creative in many different situations. I’m an incredibly minimalist producer, so I have a very high standard for tools that make it into my regular workflow. Most of the device in The Collection are tools I’ve used extensively in my music for many years.
If you’re a developer and you think your device should be included in The Collection, reach out using the Contact page and we can go from there.
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