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Max For Live Curated Collection

A meticulously curated collection of the best Max For Live devices around to inspire your next production. Browse the collection below.

What Is Max For Live?

The Max For Live Curated Collection


by Iftah
Play the new Live 12 Suite device Roar's Feedback Note Mode via MIDI notes.
by Ternär Music Technology
A lo-fi sample player inspired by hardware samplers of the 90s.
A diverse multi-tap device that morphs between various delay-based effects, blurring the line between a filter, flanger, chorus, resonator, reverb, and even a granulator.
by Fors
A sleek, powerful synth that takes concepts from FM and Wavetable synthesis.
by Noir Labs
The ultimate all-in-one metering device for Ableton Live.
by Fors
A simple and fun Karplus-Strong synthesizer that simulates an acoustic plucked string instrument.
by Manifest Audio
15 unique modulators to create dynamic relationships between separate elements.
by Noir Labs
An invaluable tool to speed up your workflow. Map a keyboard key or MIDI control to up to 64 Ableton plugins, VST’s/AU’s and effect racks so you can load your favourite devices with a single keystroke or button press.
by Dillon Bastan
Realtime sample mangler and glitcher that works as an audio effect or instrument.
A simple focus timer to keep you on track while making music.
by Ternär Music Technology
An 80s inspired, modelled digital hardware delay with "pristine" 12 bit/33khz sample resolution.
by GMAudio
Squeeze every last drop out of your audio with a powerful multi-band upward compressor.
Mutate, store and interpolate between presets of any device within Live.
by GMAudio
Control sibilance and tame harshness without sacrificing punch or clarity.
by Fors
An inspiring MPE-enabled synthesizer with a unique approach to sound design to give you a fresh tool for making new sounds.


by Fors
A versatile set of seven experimental devices with engaging visual interfaces that invite you to tune parameters with your ears and lose yourself in sound.
by Ternär Music Technology
A clone of the famed Eurorack module Plaits, by Mutable Instruments with added polyphony.
by encoder audio
A precision low and high cut EQ for surgically removing frequencies from your sounds.
by Fors
A unique and unbelievably versatile poly-asymmetic MIDI sequencer.
by Valiumdupeuple
A floating window to adjust Clip Gain, Transpose, Warp and much more from anywhere.
by Maxime Dangles
A creative MIDI Generator based on a prized Eurorack module. Sequence infinite patterns.
by Rainbow Circuit
Create complex modulation using the interaction of 3 spinning orbs.
by Novel Music
Generate endlessly evolving patterns, shape them as you like and route them to any sound.
by encoder audio
A creative sample rate and bit reduction effect, designed to bring life to dull instruments and sounds.
by GMAudio
Unprecedented control of your sidechaining with a sample-accurate sidechain/ducking tool.
by killihu
Modify parameters of different tracks/devices in the same floating window without taking exclusive control of them.
by alkman
A creative spatialization tool for adding depth and width to any sound.
by Ternär Music Technology
16 unique synthesizer models. Modelled after a famous Eurorack module.
by Manifest Audio
What if you could tune your effects to any scale and key, and even play them via MIDI input in real-time?
by killihu
Quickly convert BPM to ms or Hz with a slick interface.
Additional Info

The Max For Live Curated Collection is a selection of Max For Live devices for use in Ableton Live, chosen for their high quality and creative potential. These are not tools I have made myself, but rather tools I have found in my own search for creative instruments and effects to use in my music making.

There are literally 1000s of Max For Live devices out there, so The Collection is an attempt to highlight what I think are the best devices and developers around.


The Max For Live Curated Collection includes links to tools made by 3rd parties. While I make every effort to ensure the quality of linked tools, I cannot guarantee that the tools will always work as described nor can I provide support for the tools. Please contact the respective developers directly with additional queries.

Affiliate Links

Some of the entries in the the Max For Live Curated Collection may contain affiliate links and I earn a portion of each sale from a device purchased through an affiliate link. I only include devices that I believe in and will regularly review The Collection and remove any entries that no longer meet my quality standards. Affiliate sales help keep the ELPHNT website and the Max For Live Curated Collection sustainable.

Selection Process

Before including a device in The Collection I will use it extensively in my own music making to ensure it is highly functional and creative in many different situations. I’m an incredibly minimalist producer, so I have a very high standard for tools that make it into my regular workflow. Most of the device in The Collection are tools I’ve used extensively in my music for many years.

If you’re a developer and you think your device should be included in The Collection, reach out using the Contact page and we can go from there.

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