HELPERS is a collection of 5 useful Max For Live utilities to help you with common tasks, saving you time and improving your workflow.
Converter helps you quickly convert between various musical units: note pitch to frequency, note values to time, and bars and beats to length.
Set Tools help you work better with your projects.
Set Namer generates useful project names quickly. No more Untitled 01 or Cool Beat No. 5. There are thousands of possible combinations, with words chosen from actual song titles.
Set Selector helps you decide which project to work on, avoiding decision fatigue and getting you straight into making music.
Random Number generates a random number in a specified range for those times when you just need a quick random number to help you choose something.
Scale Helper helps you learn your musical scales or remember which notes belong to certain scales if you need to set something according to a key (mostly for music theory dummies, like me).
HELPERS is a ‘pay if you can‘ pack.
Download it for free and use it for as long as you like with no restrictions but if you can afford to support it is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to helping the development of future packs.
Check out the FAQs page or get in touch.
If you don't love HELPERS within 30 days, drop me a message, and I'll happily issue a full refund.
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