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Console EQ

Get an analog mixing workflow inside Ableton Live.

Modelled on a classic hardware channel strip, Console EQ intentionally limits your choices while still being flexible enough for most situations.

It’s not analog; it’s better.

Mix Like It's 1976 🎛️

Four bands of EQ plus high and lowpass filters. Top it off with an analog-modelled saturation stage for some warmth and colour.

Console EQ is fully Push compatible, including Push standalone, getting you closer to the feel of mixing on real hardware.

An Even Simpler Console 🎚️

Console Mini is Console EQ in a stripped-down package.

This is not a ‘limited’ version of Console EQ, but rather a more focused EQ, with the same workflow and colouration, for times when you only need a few bands of EQ.

Workflow Matters ✨

Ableton Live already has the powerful EQ Eight and the slimmed-down Channel EQ, so why do you need another equaliser?

Personally, as much as I love those options, they provide ‘too many choices’ and an inherently digital workflow.

I’ve always loved the limitations of working on a physical mixing console, where your decisions are influenced by what’s given to you. I find I make more deliberate and ultimately better decisions working in this way.

I built Console EQ to simulate this ‘analog’ way of working, and I prefer what I can achieve by mixing like this.

I hope Console EQ inspires you and helps you make the music you want.

Pay If You Can 💰

Console EQ is a ‘pay if you can‘ pack.

Download it for free and use it for as long as you like with no restrictions but if you can afford to support it is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to helping the development of future packs.

The Extra Bits

  • Ableton Live 11+
  • Max For Live 8.5+
  • Max For Live is included with Ableton Live Suite or available as an add-on for Live Standard
  • Compatible with Push Standalone
  • 1 Console EQ.amxd
  • 1 Console Mini.amxd
  • 1 Getting Started Guide.pdf
  • 2mb

Check out the FAQs page or get in touch.

If you don't love Console EQ within 30 days, drop me a message, and I'll happily issue a full refund.

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